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الكراهية ضد الشيعة- لغويا وتاريخيا عبارة الكراهية ضد التشيع تعني التعاطي بفوقية او بكراهية ضد المسلمين الشيعة. تم تعريف عبارة ‘الكراهية ضد التشيع’ لاول مرة في التاريخ اللغوي عبر منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش عام 2011 الا ان العبارة لها جذور تاريخية. الشيعة تاريخيا  لدى الشيعة تاريخ طويل وعريق في مقارعة الظلم يمتد من اليوم الذي…

Anti- Şiilik- Terminolojisi ve Tarihi Anti- Şiilik terimi Şii mezhebine bağlı olan Müslümanlara karşı varolan önyargı ve nefreti tanımlamak için kullanılır. Bu terim ilk olarak 2011 yılında Shia Rights Watch tarafından ortaya çıkarılsa da, anti- Şiilik uzun bir tarihe dayanmaktadır. Tarihte Şiiler Şiilerin adaletsizliğe dayanan uzun bir tarihi vardır. Hz. Muhammed’in vefatından itibaren, halifelerin adaletsiz…

A New Term in the Human Rights Field The term “Anti-Shi’ism” means prejudice against or hatred of Shia Muslims. The term was first introduced by Shia Rights Watch in 2011. The act of Anti-Shi’ism, however, has a long history. Shia in History Shia have a long history of facing injustice. Ever since the death of…

The term “Shia” means follower and refers to following the way of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Lady Fatima (AS), the Prophet’s beloved daughter, Ali (AS), the holy Prophet’s cousin, son-in-law, the Shia’s first Imam and his eleven decedents. It is this family or “Ahl-ul-Bayt” towards whom the Shia express their love and affection. The peak…


Anti-Shi’ism in Pakistan has led to killing of 21,000 Shia of whom about 9000 were murdered in direct attacks. Mass killings and “targeted assassination of Shia intellectuals”, is referred to as genocide by Lord Eric Avebury, a House of Lords member and chair of a Parliamentary Human Rights Group in British Parliament,  according to Article…